
Raising Sheep with the Lister Family

Laura Lister grew up in Emery County, Utah, and had nothing to do with sheep until she met her husband in 2006. He grew up herding and shearing sheep with his family and Laura grew up with strictly horses. Laura chose to study animal science in college with an emphasis in equine science due to […]

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Supplementation of Active Dry Yeast

Direct fed microbial (DFM) products are one possible avenue to improve animal health during the transition period. Active dry yeasts (ADY) are one subset of DFM. ADY have been found to act growth promoters and influence immune function in several species. Mechanisms The mode of action for ADY are wide and varied. ADY have been […]

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Dairy Distinction

Understanding Peak Milk

Peak milk is used to measure the success of the dry period and early lactation nutrition and management. When nutrient needs for both the fetus and the cow are met during the dry period the cow will have a better chance of handling the stress inflicted at calving, will be able to modulate inflammation better, […]

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Gut-Organ Axes: The Gut-Lung Connection

One of the more recently discovered gut-organ connections is the gut-lung axis. Originally lungs were thought to be sterile unless an infection was present. This was due mostly to the fact that researchers were not able to culture microbes from the lungs of healthy animals. Utilization of new technologies in 16s rRNA gene sequencing have […]

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Gut-Organ Axes: The Gut-Brain Connection

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Importance of a VCPR

A Veterinarian-Client-Patient-Relationship (VCPR) is an agreement between a Veterinarian of Record (VOR) and a livestock producer which allows the producer access to expertise in animal health and prescription medications when deemed necessary by the VOR. VOR All livestock producers should have a valid VCPR. The VOR has the responsibility for providing oversight of treatment protocols, […]

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Dairy Distinction

The 5 Phases of Lactation

Nutrient requirements change as the cow enters different stages of lactation.  Health and well-being of the animal depends on meeting those needs and preparing her to transition into the next phase. Let’s go over each phase and important management and nutrient needs that should be met. Phase 1: Dry Period (Dry off up to 21 […]

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Managing Biotoxins – Forever Chemicals

Imagine you are a livestock producer and every single one of your animals is contaminated with a hazardous substance and must be destroyed. Back in 1973 that’s what happened to many farmers when a fire retardant called polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) was accidentally mixed into livestock feed. As a result over 500 contaminated Michigan farms were […]

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Managing Biotoxins – Endotoxins

The worldwide economic damage caused by endotoxin contamination is overwhelming. Effecting all livestock sectors including dairy, beef, poultry, swine, sheep, goats, egg production, and aquaculture. Economic losses are influenced by production losses, higher mortality rates, increased treatment costs, and increased management costs. There are many different causes behind high endotoxin loads. Factors such as high-energy […]

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Managing Biotoxins – Mycotoxins

The U. N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FA) estimates that annually 25% of the world food crops are contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by mold and are harmful to living organisms. Exposure is usually by consumption, contact, or inhalation of contaminated feeds. Negative biological effects because of mycotoxin exposure include liver […]

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Beef Distinction, Featured

Raising Quality Beef

May is Beef Month! Please join us in celebrating hard working beef producers that provide consumers with high quality protein!  Beef is one of the most complex livestock animals to raise and is the result of several years of input and management. Let’s take a look at what it takes to make high quality beef! […]

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Dairy Distinction, Featured

Dairy Kind – Interview with Michelle Schack, D.V.M.

Dr. Michelle Schack, D.V.M., didn’t grow up around agriculture, but she got there as fast as she could. She grew up in the bay area of California near Silicon Valley in a very urban area. As a child she tried to join 4-H, but everyone was knitting and crafting and nobody had animals. It wasn’t […]

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Celebrating Earth Day: Nurturing Animals, Nurturing Our Planet

As we celebrate Earth Day, it’s crucial to reflect on the interconnectedness of all life on our planet. At MicroBasics, we understand that the well-being of animals and the health of our environment go hand in hand. That’s why we’re committed to providing sustainable solutions for animal health while minimizing our ecological footprint.In the world […]

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Featured, Technology

Introduction to Biotoxins

What are biotoxins? Biotoxins are toxic substances that are a threat to human and animal health. Several key biotoxins are relevant in the livestock industry: Endotoxins: Also called lipopolysaccharides (LPS), are components of the outer membrane of all gram-negative bacteria. LPS are released upon death of the pathogenic bacteria and can induce an inflammatory response. […]

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Benefits of Feed Supplementation of Yucca Schidigera

Yucca schidigera (YS) is a species of plants that grows in abundance in the southwestern United Staes and northern Mexico. YS contains a variety of phytochemicals such as saponins, polyphenols, and resveratrol. These phytochemicals have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties. Saponins Saponins have surfactant properties and when ingested can affect intestinal permeability, facilitate nutrient absorption, […]

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Dairy Distinction

Tour of Creekside Robotic Dairy

I recently had the opportunity to tour a new robot dairy in my neighborhood.  Strangely enough, it is the first robot dairy I have ever been to! I was very impressed by the calm environment and useful information collected by the robot system. Labor shortages in the agricultural industry have led farmers to utilize technology […]

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Swine Distinction

Introducing Youth to Agriculture Through 4-H Swine Projects – Interview with John Garrard

John Garrard grew up raising pigs. He showed pigs in 4-H all his growing up years and his dad kept 10-15 sows which they bred and raised the piglets up to market weight. It was always something he enjoyed. John grew up and left the farm to pursue a career in dentistry. When he moved […]

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Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Programming Calf Immunity Through Dry Cow Management

Bethany Dado-Senn grew up on a 500 cow dairy farm in North Western Wisconsin. Her family raises all their youngstock and homegrown crops. She attended UW Madison for her undergrad focusing on Dairy Science and Genetics. Upon graduation she transferred to the University of Florida for her master’s and PhD. The focus of her research […]

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Swine Distinction

Piglet Gut Microbial Shifts

The gut microbiota of swine have very important functions in the health and well-being of the animal. The gut microbiome provides the pig with many factors including improved energy availability, production of volatile fatty acids, production of vitamin K, cellulose fermentation, and improved resistance to harmful bacteria. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of swine harbors a […]

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Anti-microbial Stewardship- Education Over Domination

Antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to human health around the world. In the United States there are more than 2.8 million antimicrobial-resistant infections each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result. Although antimicrobial-resistant bacteria affecting human health have risen mostly due to the use of antimicrobials in human medicine, antibiotic use […]

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3 Levels of Immune Defense

The immune system is an intricate network of specific immune cells and proteins that work together to protect the animal from foreign invaders and harmful toxic materials found in the environment. In cattle, like many other species, there are 3 levels of defense mechanisms that protect the animal from pathogenic infections.   Physical Barriers Barriers […]

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Dairy Distinction, Featured

2023 Harvest Recap with Carmen Monson of Monson Consulting

Carmen Monson, of Monson Consulting, is a nutritionist in the state of Wisconsin. After graduating from college Carmen did an extension internship with the University of Wisconsin. While it was interesting it was not her main interest so she decided to pursue other opportunities. After completing her internship she started working for Purina feed mills […]

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Beef Distinction

6 Steps to Feedyard Success

Success in feedyard management involves a commitment to excellence, to food safety, and of course profitability. In today’s market, feedyards must continue to improve to remain successful. Here are 6 steps to follow when managing a successful feedyard program.   1. Determine Objectives: First off, we need to determine what the main purpose is going […]

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Dairy Distinction, Featured

Interview with Justin Axman – DNMC Consulting LLC.

Today we are fortunate to share some thoughts from Justin Axman, a consulting nutritionist from Kansas. Justin grew up on a dry land farm in central Kansas. The primary focuses were commercial cow calf, wheat, milo, alfalfa, and grass hay. Growing up he was involved in 4-H and athletics. After high school Justin played baseball […]

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Managing Mycotoxins

The U. N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FA) estimates that annually 25% of the world food crops are contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by mold and are harmful to living organisms. Exposure is usually by consumption, contact, or inhalation of contaminated feeds. Negative biological effects because of mycotoxin exposure include liver […]

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Dairy Distinction

Resolution of Inflammation in Dairy Cattle

High producing dairy cattle are more vulnerable to disease leading to a shorter life expectancy and reduced thriftiness. Improved understanding of immune function is needed in discovering the best tools to combat existing disease and any future pathogens that may compromise animal health.   Gut Microbiome The establishment and development of the gut microbiome is […]

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Interview With Dr. Barb Petersen – Sunrise Veterinary Service

This week we get to hear some thoughts on dairy cattle health from Dr. Petersen of Sunrise Veterinary Service.  Dr. Petersen is originally from Eastern Iowa and jokes she did her whole career backwards. In 2009 she graduated from veterinary school at Iowa State University and began her first job with the USDA in a […]

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Poultry Distinction

Immune Importance: Poultry

Poultry farming plays a significant role in meeting the ever-growing global demand for meat and eggs. However, maintaining a thriving and profitable poultry operation requires a comprehensive understanding of various factors, with immunity being a crucial aspect. The immune system of poultry serves as their primary defense against diseases, ensuring their health and productivity. In […]

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Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

3 Key Management Areas for a Successful Transition

More than 35% of all dairy cattle have at least 1 clinical disease event in the first 90 days of their lactation. It is important to have a solid protocol in place for transition cows to aid them in the onset of milk production and help them maintain good health. Remember 3 areas when establishing […]

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Dairy Distinction

Mitigating Heat Stress in Cattle

Heat stress is defined as an event in which additional nutrients are required to reduce the heat load on the animal. Cattle are much more susceptible to heat stress than people. Mild heat stress for cattle starts around 72°F and 50% humidity. High producing dairy cattle eating large amounts of feed can even experience heat […]

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Swine Distinction

Immune Importance: Swine

The immune system is a remarkable defense mechanism that plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of all animals, including swine. Pigs, face various challenges throughout their life cycle, including infectious diseases, environmental stressors, and changes in management practices. A robust and efficient immune system is essential for swine to withstand these challenges […]

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MicroBasics and the Power of Immune and Gut Microbiome Technology

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving world, ensuring food safety has become an increasingly crucial priority. The consumption of safe and healthy food is vital for the well-being of individuals and the overall health of communities. A company that has emerged as a leader in this domain is MicroBasics, harnessing the power of immune and gut […]

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Dairy Distinction

Coming Soon: Pocket Ranch and Creamery

Joey Bingham grew up on his family’s dairy farm in Gooding, Idaho. He is married to his high school sweetheart and has four beautiful children. The couple chose to leave Gooding to further their education in Boise. Although Joey was eager to return to the farm and his hometown, his wife, having lived most of […]

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Dairy Distinction

Interview with Cody Turner of Wild Cow Commodities and Turner Dairy

Cody Turner was just a Southern Idaho farm boy. Although just a farm boy, he had big dreams for the impact he would make in agriculture and in the dairy industry. Cody may have grown up on a farm, but he started from scratch to build what he has today. Early on he changed his […]

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Beef Distinction

Immune Importance: Beef Cattle

The immune system is a vital component of the overall health and well-being of all animals, including beef cattle. A strong and healthy immune system is essential for preventing and combating infectious diseases and optimizing animal productivity and profitability.   Infectious Disease Beef cattle are susceptible to a wide range of bacterial, viral, and parasitic […]

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Calf Distinction

The Art of Nature, Built on Science- Calf Distinction

Calf Distinction is a brand that creates innovative and science-backed products designed to promote the health and growth of young calves. Our products are a combination of the art of nature and the latest scientific advancements in the field of animal health and nutrition. This unique combination sets us apart from our competitors and makes […]

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Dairy Distinction

Immune Importance: Dairy Cows

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from harmful pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In dairy cows, a strong and healthy immune system is essential for maintaining good health, preventing disease, and optimizing milk production.   Infectious Disease Dairy cows are […]

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How to get the Most out of Attending a Conference

One of the best places to get continued education is a conference! This week Brooke Vanderloop of the AVA Group Inc. shares some tips about how she gets the most out of attending a conference and how she applies her new knowledge when she gets back home.   When attending a conference what is the best […]

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Beef Distinction

Views of a Veterinarian- Dr. Trevor Stapelman, D.V.M.

A veterinarian-client relationship is of utmost importance when it comes to establishing animal health protocols. This week Dr. Trevor Stapelman, DVM shares his viewpoint on common practices to maximize health and productivity in beef herds. Trevor grew up in the Mini-Cassia area of the Magic Valley of Idaho and graduated from Minico High School. He […]

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Beef Distinction

Digestive Disorders in Feedlot Cattle

Digestive disorders are a relatively small occurrence in feedlots when compared to respiratory problems. Respiratory disease accounts for approximately 80% of illness in feedyards compared to digestive disorders affecting only about 5% of feedyard animals. Although only affecting a small percentage of animals, digestive disease can be a significant problem. Diarrhea caused by digestive illness […]

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Feed Safety and Hygeine with Katie Raver

Food safety is definitely something we think about when preparing food for humans, but do we take the same measures we would in preparing food for our animals as we would for ourselves? Katie Raver from Rock River labs elaborates why feed hygiene practices are important for our livestock and how we can monitor them […]

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Beef Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Use Your 5 Senses When Walking Cattle

Cattle can’t tell you what is going on with them. As you walk the pen use your 5 senses to identify any animals that might not be feeling well, find those that are in heat, and observe how the pen interacts as a group.   SIGHT Cattle are prey animals and will do their best […]

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Dairy Distinction

Cost of Dairy Disease

Although income over feed costs is a very important number in evaluating herd profitability, it is not the only measure of profitability that producers, nutritionists, and veterinarians should be evaluating. Health issues have a huge impact on cow performance, which affects current profits and the future value of the cow. Disease influences profitability both directly […]

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Calf Distinction

Calf Distinction Timeline- The Path to Health

The gut microbiome is the Inside story to long term health of the calf. It is home to trillions of microbes, both good and bad, that impact calf health. A balanced microbiome is highly populated and diverse, keeps pathogens in check, aids in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. Neonatal calves are highly susceptible to enteric […]

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The Biome Cycle with Brett Reed

The soil food web is made up of fungi and bacteria, which are preyed upon by protozoa, nematodes, micro-arthropods, and other larger organisms we also group in our microbiome. There are numerous amounts of species for each of these creatures. The population and ratio of microbes within the soil will vary greatly from ratio to […]

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Dairy Distinction, Technology

Not all Direct Fed Microbials are Created Equal

Cow Biology is COMPLEX. A SYMBIOTIC blend of additives is Paramount. The importance of the symbiotic relationship between the digestive system and the immune system cannot be overstated! As the largest immune organ in the body, the gut plays a major role in whole body immunity. Therefore, establishing a healthy gut translates to increased immunity. IMMUNOMETABOLISM is how the immune […]

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Core Values, Mental Health, and Sustainable Farms

This week I am excited to be summarizing an interview I did with someone who I consider a very good friend and mentor! His name is Bob Hostetler. Over the span of his career Bob has worked as a Dairy Nutritionist and a Life Coach.  Bob got his start working with Milk Products, and overtime […]

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Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Early Life Microbial Colonization and Effects on Immunity

In the calf world we talk a lot about average daily gain and the effects that better gains early on in life have on lifetime production. Although gains early on in life are important and do affect productivity, much of the growth and development affecting lifetime productivity may be taking place in utero, even before […]

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Featured, Technology

The Cost of an Activated Immune System

The Immune System is a complex network that protects the body from foreign invaders. Do not underestimate the importance of maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. Every second of everyday animals, birds and aquaculture wage a silent war against billions of viruses, bacteria, pathogens and parasites. This system is made up of different organs, cells, and […]

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Beef Distinction, Calf Distinction, Featured

TomaHawk iL Zn Trial- The Healthy and Natural Feeding of Cattle

The selection of natural feed additives for calves is growing. Traditionally, ionophores and medicated feed additives appealed to calf growers in an attempt to increase efficiency, growth, and to ward off disease. More recently, as we have learned more about the Gut MicroBiome and its impact on animal performance- prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics technologies are now being […]

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Probiotics – What’s all the fuss?

Probiotics have become quite a hot topic as we discover more about each different strain and their role in the microbiome. There is still much to learn, but here is a little about what we know now. ROLE OF PROBIOTICS Stabilize rumen fermentation Promote lactic acid production Mitigate negative effects of stress on the gut […]

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Beta-glucans – What are they?

Beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharide, meaning they are made of a chain of simple sugar molecules. They can be found in the cell walls of microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, lichens, seaweed, various plants, and yeast.   PREBIOTIC EFFECT Beta-glucans are a prebiotic, meaning that they are indigestible to the animal, but are used […]

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Beef Distinction, Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Yeast and Yeast Derivatives – What’s the difference?

Yeast and yeast derivatives have been demonstrated to have a wide range of immune enhancing benefits. It can be confusing trying to differentiate what kind of yeast is included in a feed product and understanding what it does. Let’s discuss this a little further in depth! Whole-Live Yeast: single celled fungi. Improved oxygen utilization in the […]

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Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Farm to Table- Ray Robinson (High Desert Milk)

Recently, as input costs have skyrocketed, more and more producers are turning to marketing their own product to consumers. While marketing a consumable product is not feasible for everyone, it can be an opportunity for some. This week we will get to hear a few words of wisdom from Ray Robinson, as he shares some […]

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Calf Distinction

Setting Calves and Employees up for Success – Thoughts from Brooke Vanderloop, AVA Group Inc.

Preventing Illness To prevent illness in the calves the maternity pen is the end all be all and is especially when group housing calves. Also, good ventilation, and supporting gut health to prevent things like scours and secondary infections and respiratory disease. I feel like, especially in a calf barn situation, you need to have […]

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Calf Ranch Employees Featured

Dealing with Labor Shortages

The current labor shortage has been a challenge for many industries, including agriculture. Many factors have contributed to this shortage including impaired immigrant migration, an aging population, and the migration of younger generations to the cities. This week we will discuss some strategies for overcoming labor shortages.   Simplify When there just isn’t enough help […]

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Find your Niche

Hello, my name is Mariah Gull. This week I get to introduce myself, and give you a little insight on how I found my niche in calf and heifer management and came to write the blog here on the Calf Distinction website! Although all of my grandparents came from farming backgrounds, I did not grow […]

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Calf Distinction, Dairy Distinction

Fresh Cow Health

Calving is a stressful event for both the cow and the calf. Management practices that minimize stress and support immune function are crucial during this event. The first few days postpartum are the most critical days in the life of a dairy cow. Proper nutrition and management during this time is important to maintain immunity, […]

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Surveillance Calf- Neonatal Gut Health

Early identification and treatment of disease will increase the chances of survival for the young calf. Train employees to quickly pick up on signs that a calf is not feeling well. Depression, lethargy, not eating, elevated body temperature, ocular or nasal discharge, head tilt, and scours are some common signs a calf may not be doing […]

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